“Your life’s a journey, so enjoy the ride!”

Live a life of meaning; deliver a message that has purpose.  Sing a song that will lift us, paint a picture that depicts hope.  Write a story that will inspire my own and say a joke that would make me smile when the clock hands ticks on the hardest times.

Life is a real journey, so relax and enjoy the ride you can make it a wonderful adventure.  Don’t sweat the little stuff, do your best to fix the big stuff and relax and enjoy the ride.  It is a once in a lifetime journey and you will never have another opportunity to do it over.  Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it, according to Ben Franklin.  Life is a real journey and can be really wonderful, if you just think of it as a great adventure and make the most out of every experience you have.  It isn’t always wonderful, but if you look, you can find something good in everything that happens. 

Life is not always fair.  I know that sometimes it may seem downright hard to put one foot in front of the other.  But, when life is a lemon, make lemonade and be happy to have it!  It isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault that sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way we dreamed it would.  But, if you let that ruin your dreams then it is your fault!  We just have to make the best of what we get to have and enjoy it!  Everything happens for a reason and everything has a purpose.  Each day is a gift from God, what you choose to do with it is entirely up to you!  Be kind to others and experience the warmth that will bring your way!  Your life can change in an instant, so enjoy life’s journey and make it a great adventure!

Memories of our family and childhood are what shape our personality and who we are.  Whether we like it or not, our personality is formed by our parents, brothers, sisters, and the environment we grew up in.  My background is complex and my family is complex.  We’ve managed to find happiness somehow in all the confusion that life has brought our way.  Life is all about changes and all about choices.  The choices others make can have a huge affect on your life, but how you deal with what happens can make all the difference – whether that turns out positive or negative.  The choices you make today can affect you and others forever, so think about it before you make your choices.  Look for something good in every experience, even when the experience seems like a bad one, there will be something good if you just look for it.  God has a plan and never closes one door without propping another open for us to discover and walk through.

Article courtesy of the “Looking Back in Time” website.


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