“Be what you want to be, not what others want to see!”

Being yourself is harder than what you seem.  There are times when our decisions are still affected by others.  Well, we can’t blame those times because no man is an island.  So no matter what, other people’s opinion still matter.  Who doesn’t want to be called pretty or smart by other people?  So sometimes, we’re striving not just for ourselves, but for others as well.  But no matter how we love compliments, we should never forget who we really are.  Not just be like them, but also live your life according to who you really are.  Because if you live that way, there will come a time you’ll feel extremely sad and lost.  You will be someone else’s shadow.  You will lose your identity and will struggle to get back what you lost.

So make sure to have time for yourself.  Reflect and analyze.  You only live once and you can never take back the lost time.  So be sure to make the most out of yourself and out of your life.


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